Merrily cherry-picking my ways through the reviews thus far (and studiously ignoring the one reviewer who loathed it in a way normally reserved for Genghis Khan or a new episode of Ben Elton's The Wright Way) I can officially big myself up by describing it as infusing "the cute story of one boy and his yeti with enjoyable conundrums and head scratchers" (Pocketgamer), add that it has "a superbly whimsical story" (God is a Geek) and that the "interactions are funny, unpredictable and a delight to watch" (The Sixth Axis) and finish up by saying "the dialogue is brilliantly written" (Push Square). More importantly the game and its characters are the brainchildren of the fabulous team at Lucid Games, it has an art style that bowled me over from the moment I saw the very first render and it should be enormous fun to play. Lastly, I had nothing to do with the puzzles themselves, so will be absolutely no use if you're stuck.
*** UPDATE 17/05/13***
Ooh, and here's the new trailer:
*** UPDATE 24/05/13***
And more nice words about Jacob Jones. According to The Guardian "There is justifiably bags of buzz about this", "its the quality of the puzzles that makes it a keeper" and "the storyline also keeps you engrossed". This is some sort of karmic repayment for four decades of loyal Grauniad-reading.
Congrats George..and still hoping your current work gets infused into a game, as the end of Albia would be a little too..confusing? for most kids. Of course that's assuming it really did end and wasn't just spirited off to a place in eastern Poland.